Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Congratulations Vimal for his focussed work on ZorDox....

Monday, June 16, 2008

Local level inputs made by different Regions.

Congratulations KERALA team for your innovative local level inputs prepared and used in field
Note:- Send your local level inputs and take a place to
Display your creative work

Monday, May 5, 2008

Lets know the competitors market share...

Put your comments on...(status of competitors in your region and their way of promotion)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

ZorDox focused regions for September

Congratulations to those who have shown their focused approach but still lot more is needed to be done to be number one... Put your comments on where you want to see your region this month and for that what you want to do in your territory? (any activity,local level campaign etc)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Your Success stories...

Put your comments;" Share your success story with us that how much POB of ZorDox you have booked and how you have achieved it? please share your view in the format below
1)Number of strips booked.
2)Name of Doctor.
3) Region's name.
4) How you have achieved ?
5) Your name and phone number"
Note: The photo of highest POB taker of the month will be diplayed on ZorDox Blog.